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Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

Future changes to the Pantone Color Libraries. Pantone is supporting their most up-to-date color libraries exclusively through the Pantone Connect plug-in available here. Adobe and Pantone have been working together to support your color needs and additional information and tutorials will be available shortly. Photoshop uses the foreground color to paint, fill, and stroke selections and the background color to make gradient fills and fill in the erased areas of an image.
The foreground and background colors are also used by some special effects filters. You can designate a new foreground or background color using the Eyedropper tool, the Color panel, the Swatches panel, or the Adobe Color Picker. The default foreground color is black, and the default background color is white. In an alpha channel, the default foreground is white, and the background is black. The current foreground color appears in the upper color selection box in the toolbox; the current background color appears in the lower box.
Default Colors icon B. Switch Colors icon C. Foreground color box D. Background color box. The Eyedropper tool samples color to designate a new foreground or background color. You can sample from the active image or from anywhere else on the screen.
Point Sample. Current Layer. To circle the Eyedropper tool with a ring that previews the sampled color above the current foreground color, select Show Sampling Ring. This option requires OpenGL. To select a new foreground color, click in the image. Alternatively, position the pointer over the image, press the mouse button, and drag anywhere on the screen. The foreground color selection box changes dynamically as you drag.
Release the mouse button to pick the new color. Alternatively, position the pointer over the image, press Alt Windows or Options Mac OS , press the mouse button, and drag anywhere on the screen. The background color selection box changes dynamically as you drag.
To use the Eyedropper tool temporarily to select a foreground color while using any painting tool, hold down Alt Windows or Option Mac OS. Use the Adobe Color Picker to set the foreground color, background color, and text color. You can also set target colors for different tools, commands, and options. You can configure the Adobe Color Picker to let you choose only colors that are part of the web-safe palette or choose from specific color systems.
If you know the numeric value of the color you want, you can enter it into the text fields. You can also use the color slider and the color field to preview a color to choose. As you adjust the color using the color field and color slider, the numeric values are adjusted accordingly.
The color box to the right of the color slider displays the adjusted color in the top section and the original color in the bottom section. Alerts appear if the color is not a web-safe color or is out of gamut for printing non-printable. Picked color B. Original color C. Adjusted color D.
Out-of-gamut alert icon E. Alert icon for color that is not web-safe F. Displays only web-safe colors G.
Color field H. Color slider I. Color values. This is useful for viewing how the different color models describe a color. Although Photoshop uses the Adobe Color Picker by default, you can use a different color picker than the Adobe Color Picker by setting a preference. The Color Picker is also available when features let you choose a color.
For example, by clicking the color swatch in the options bar for some tools, or the eyedroppers in some color adjustment dialog boxes. You can choose a color by entering color component values in HSB, RGB, and Lab text boxes, or by using the color slider and the color field. To choose a color with the color slider and color field, click in the color slider or move the color slider triangle to set one color component.
Then move the circular marker or click in the color field. This sets the other two color components. As you adjust the color using the color field and color slider, the numeric values for the different color models adjust accordingly. The rectangle to the right of the color slider displays the new color in the top half and the original color in the bottom. Alerts appear if the color is not a web-safe color or is out of gamut.
You can choose a color outside the Adobe Color Picker window. Moving the pointer over the document window changes it to the Eyedropper tool. You can then select a color by clicking in the image. The selected color is displayed in the Adobe Color Picker. You can move the Eyedropper tool anywhere on your desktop by clicking in the image and then holding down the mouse button.
You can select a color by releasing the mouse button. Saturation and brightness are specified as percentages. In the color field, the hue saturation increases from left to right and the brightness increases from the bottom to top. The color you click appears in the color slider with 0 none of that color at the bottom and maximum amount of that color at the top.
The color field displays the range of the other two components, one on the horizontal axis and one on the vertical axis. When choosing a color based on the Lab color model, the L value specifies the luminance of a color. The A value specifies how red or green a color is. The B value specifies how blue or yellow a color is.
You can choose a color by specifying each component value as a percentage of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. You can choose a color by specifying a hexadecimal value that defines the R, G, and B components in a color. The three pairs of numbers are expressed in values from 00 minimum luminance to ff maximum luminance. For example, is black, ffffff is white, and ff is red.
The heads-up-display HUD color picker lets you quickly choose colors while painting in the document window, where image colors provide helpful context. After clicking in the document window, you can release the pressed keys.
Temporarily press the spacebar to maintain the selected shade while you select another hue, or vice versa. By working only with these colors, you can be sure that art you prepare for the web will not dither on a system set to display colors.
Choose Web Color Sliders from the Color panel menu. Click the alert cube to select the closest web color. When you choose a non-printable color in either the Adobe Color Picker or the Color panel, a warning alert triangle appears.
A swatch below the triangle displays the closest CMYK equivalent. To ensure that the final printed output is the color you want, consult your printer or service bureau and choose your color based on a printed color swatch. Manufacturers recommend that you get a new swatch book each year to compensate for fading inks and other damage. To print true spot color plates, create spot color channels. The Custom Colors dialog box displays the color closest to the color currently selected in the Adobe Color Picker.
Commonly used for newspaper applications. DIC Color Guide. Commonly used for printing projects in Japan. Consists of CMYK colors. Focoltone colors help avoid prepress trapping and registration problems by showing the overprints that make up the colors.
A swatch book with specifications for process and spot colors, overprint charts, and a chip book for marking up layouts are available from Focoltone. For more information, contact Focoltone International, Ltd.
HKS swatches. Used for printing projects in Europe. Each color has a specified CMYK equivalent. Color samplers for each scale are available. HKS Process books and swatches have been added to the color system menu. Colors used for spot-color reproduction. PANTONE color guides and chip books are printed on coated, uncoated, and matte paper stocks to ensure accurate visualization of the printed result and better on-press control.
The CMYK screen tint percentages are printed under each color. For more information, contact Pantone, Inc.
Photoshop Shortcuts – Photoshop Shortcut keys PDF
Once you open blending options, you can use keyboard shortcuts to select them without moving your mouse. Note: All of these shortcuts can be accessed on PC and Mac, but sometimes, they’re different on each operating system. For more information on the behavior of function keys on your Mac, photoshkp to these Apple documentations:. Spacebar-drag, or drag view area box in Navigator panel.
Download PDF: Adobe Photoshop CC shortcuts ‒ defkey – How can I keep myself updated about the most current updates?
View images ; Switch to previous document. Shift + Control + Tab. Shift + Command + `(grave accent) ; Close a file in Photoshop and open Bridge. Free Transform with duplicate. Ctrl+Alt+T. Delete Layers (Groups). Backspace / Delete. Hand tool (toggle). Space. Keyboard Shortcuts. Alt+Shift+Ctrl+K.