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Configuration manager console for windows 10

Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Administrators use the Configuration Manager console to manage the Configuration Manager environment. This article covers the fundamentals of navigating the console. The Configuration Manager console is always installed on every site server. You can also install it on other computers. For more information, see Install the Configuration Manager console.
The simplest method to open the console on a Windows computer is to go to Start and start typing Configuration Manager console. You may not need to type the entire string for Windows to find the best match. If you browse the Start menu, look for the Configuration Manager console icon in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager group.
The console connects to your central administration site server or to your primary site servers. You can’t connect a Configuration Manager console to a secondary site. During installation, you specified the fully qualified domain name FQDN of the site server to which the console connects. Select the arrow at the top of the ribbon , and choose Connect to a New Site. Type in the FQDN of the site server. If you’ve previously connected to site server, select the server from the drop-down list.
You can specify the minimum authentication level for administrators to access Configuration Manager sites. This feature enforces administrators to sign in to Windows with the required level. Some areas of the console may not be visible depending on your assigned security role. For more information about roles, see Fundamentals of role-based administration. Reorder workspace buttons by selecting the down arrow and choosing Navigation Pane Options.
Select an item to Move Up or Move Down. Select Reset to restore the default button order. Minimize a workspace button by selecting Show Fewer Buttons. The last workspace in the list is minimized first. Select a minimized button and choose Show More Buttons to restore the button to its original size. Workspaces are a collection of nodes. Use the navigation bar to move around the console when you minimize the navigation pane.
In the console, nodes are sometimes organized into folders. When you select the folder, it usually displays a navigation index or a dashboard. The ribbon is at the top of the Configuration Manager console. The ribbon can have more than one tab and can be minimized using the arrow on the right. The buttons on the ribbon change based on the node. Most of the buttons in the ribbon are also available on context menus. You can get additional information about items by reviewing the details pane.
The details pane can have one or more tabs. The tabs vary depending on the node. You can add, remove, reorder, and resize columns. These actions allow you to display the data you prefer.
Available columns vary depending on the node. To add or remove a column from your view, right-click on an existing column heading and select an item. Reorder columns by dragging the column heading where you would like it to be. At the bottom of the column context menu, you can sort or group by a column. Additionally, you can sort by a column by selecting its header. If the Configuration Manager console stops responding, you can be locked out of making further changes until the lock expires after 30 minutes.
You can clear your lock on any object in the Configuration Manager console. This action only applies to your user account that has the lock, and on the same device from which the site granted the lock. When you attempt to access a locked object, you can now Discard Changes , and continue editing the object.
These changes would be lost anyway when the lock expired. You can view the most recent connections for the Configuration Manager console. The view includes active connections and those connections that recently connected. You’ll always see your current console connection in the list and you only see connections from the Configuration Manager console. The site removes instances from the list that are older than 30 days.
For more information, see What is the administration service? When you choose to Start Microsoft Teams Chat with an administrator, Microsoft Teams is launched and a chat is opened with the user. The error message notifying you that Microsoft Teams isn’t installed won’t be displayed if the following Registry key doesn’t exist:.
The Documentation node in the Community workspace includes information about Configuration Manager documentation and support articles. It includes the following sections:. The Documentation node has no explicit proxy configuration. It uses any OS-defined proxy in the Internet Options control panel applet.
To retry after a connection error, refresh the Documentation node. Starting in version , the Configuration Manager console offers a dark theme. Using a console theme can help you easily distinguish a test environment from a production environment or one hierarchy from another.
To use the theme, select the arrow from the top left of the ribbon, then choose Switch console theme. Select Switch console theme again to return to the light theme. The console dark theme is a pre-release feature. Currently, there are certain locations in the console that may not display the dark theme correctly. When you first switch to a different theme, you may notice the node navigation pane doesn’t properly render when you move to a new workspace.
To work around this issue, restart the console. The Configuration Manager console includes a PowerShell module with over a thousand cmdlets to interact programmatically from the command line. Select the arrow at the top of the ribbon , and choose Connect via Windows PowerShell. For more information, see Get started with Configuration Manager cmdlets. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported.
Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Tip You can specify the minimum authentication level for administrators to access Configuration Manager sites. Note The console dark theme is a pre-release feature. Submit and view feedback for This product This page.
View all page feedback. In this article. A DebugView is included in all ResultViews that specify a view. DebugView shows raw properties names and values.
What is Configuration Manager? – Configuration Manager | Microsoft Docs.
The Configuration Manager console requires installation of the built-in WebView2 extension for certain features such as Community hub and dashboards. A notification to install the extension is given to the console user when they open the console.
For more information see,the WebView2 console extension. An administrator sees objects in the console based on the permissions assigned to their user account. For more information, see Fundamentals of role-based administration. For more information on the fundamentals of navigating the Configuration Manager console, see How to use the console. If your environment uses a proxy server, this configuration may impact the functionality of the console.
For more information, see Proxy server support – Configuration Manager console. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. You can clear your lock on any object in the Configuration Manager console. This action only applies to your user account that has the lock, and on the same device from which the site granted the lock. When you attempt to access a locked object, you can now Discard Changes , and continue editing the object.
These changes would be lost anyway when the lock expired. You can view the most recent connections for the Configuration Manager console. The view includes active connections and those connections that recently connected. You’ll always see your current console connection in the list and you only see connections from the Configuration Manager console. The site removes instances from the list that are older than 30 days.
For more information, see What is the administration service? When you choose to Start Microsoft Teams Chat with an administrator, Microsoft Teams is launched and a chat is opened with the user. The error message notifying you that Microsoft Teams isn’t installed won’t be displayed if the following Registry key doesn’t exist:. The Documentation node in the Community workspace includes information about Configuration Manager documentation and support articles. It includes the following sections:.
The Documentation node has no explicit proxy configuration. It uses any OS-defined proxy in the Internet Options control panel applet.
To retry after a connection error, refresh the Documentation node. NET Framework system requirements. Optionally, you can copy the ConsoleSetup folder to an alternate location to start the installation.
When you update the site, it always keeps its local version up to date. Installing the Configuration Manager console from the installation media always installs the English version. This behavior happens even if the site server supports different languages, or the target computer’s OS is set to a different language.
When possible, start the console installer from the ConsoleSetup folder rather than from the source media. Don’t install the console using the CD. Latest source files. It’s an unsupported scenario, and may cause problems with the console installation.
For more information, see The CD. Latest folder. If you create a package for installing the console on other computers, make sure the package includes the following files:. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent.
To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website.
If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. The Documentation node has no explicit proxy configuration. It uses any OS-defined proxy in the Internet Options control panel applet. To retry after a connection error, refresh the Documentation node. Starting in version , the Configuration Manager console offers a dark theme. Using a console theme can help you easily distinguish a test environment from a production environment or one hierarchy from another.
To use the theme, select the arrow from the top left of the ribbon, then choose Switch console theme. Select Switch console theme again to return to the light theme. The console dark theme is a pre-release feature. Currently, there are certain locations in the console that may not display the dark theme correctly.
When you first switch to a different theme, you may notice the node navigation pane doesn’t properly render when you move to a new workspace. To work around this issue, restart the console. The Configuration Manager console includes a PowerShell module with over a thousand cmdlets to interact programmatically from the command line.
Select the arrow at the top of the ribbon , and choose Connect via Windows PowerShell. For more information, see Get started with Configuration Manager cmdlets. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported.
Configuration manager console for windows 10
If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. Browse to the source path, and open ConsoleSetup.
Always install the console by using ConsoleSetup. Although you can install the Configuration Manager console by running AdminConsole. The simplest method to open the console on a Windows 10 computer, press Start and start typing Configuration Manager console. You may not need to type the entire string for Windows to find the best match. However you cannot connect a Configuration Manager console to a secondary site.
Seeing this control panel confirms that you are running SCCM. Select the patches to deploy, right click and select deploy.
Deployment Wizard will be open. All Configuration Manager site systems must be members of a supported Active Directory domain. Configuration Manager client computers can be domain members or workgroup members. This course is the first of seven. Vendor List Privacy Policy. The last workspace in the list is minimized first. Select a minimized button and choose Show More Buttons to restore the button to its original size.
Workspaces are a collection of nodes. Use the navigation bar to move around the console when you minimize the navigation pane. In the console, nodes are sometimes organized into folders. When you select the folder, it usually displays a navigation index or a dashboard. The ribbon is at the top of the Configuration Manager console. The ribbon can have more than one tab and can be minimized using the arrow on the right. The buttons on the ribbon change based on the node. Most of the buttons in the ribbon are also available on context menus.
You can get additional information about items by reviewing the details pane. The details pane can have one or more tabs. The tabs vary depending on the node. You can add, remove, reorder, and resize columns. These actions allow you to display the data you prefer. Available columns vary depending on the node. To add or remove a column from your view, right-click on an existing column heading and select an item.
Reorder columns by dragging the column heading where you would like it to be. At the bottom of the column context menu, you can sort or group by a column. Additionally, you can sort by a column by selecting its header.
If the Configuration Manager console stops responding, you can be locked out of making further changes until the lock expires after 30 minutes. You can clear your lock on any object in the Configuration Manager console. This action only applies to your user account that has the lock, and on the same device from which the site granted the lock. When you attempt to access a locked object, you can now Discard Changes , and continue editing the object. These changes would be lost anyway when the lock expired.
You can view the most recent connections for the Configuration Manager console. The view includes active connections and those connections that recently connected. You’ll always see your current console connection in the list and you only see connections from the Configuration Manager console. The site removes instances from the list that are older than 30 days.
For more information, see What is the administration service? When you choose to Start Microsoft Teams Chat with an administrator, Microsoft Teams is launched and a chat is opened with the user.
The error message notifying you that Microsoft Teams isn’t installed won’t be displayed if the following Registry key doesn’t exist:. The Documentation node in the Community workspace includes information about Configuration Manager documentation and support articles.
It includes the following sections:. The Documentation node has no explicit proxy configuration. It uses any OS-defined proxy in the Internet Options control panel applet. To retry after a connection error, refresh the Documentation node. Starting in version , the Configuration Manager console offers a dark theme. Using a console theme can help you easily distinguish a test environment from a production environment or one hierarchy from another. To use the theme, select the arrow from the top left of the ribbon, then choose Switch console theme.
Select Switch console theme again to return to the light theme.