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Traditional deployment methods use existing tools to deploy operating system images. Modern. Scenario, Description, More information. Windows. Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) It provides end-to-end guidance, best practices, and tools for planning, building.

Windows 10 enterprise image best practices free. Guide to creating one Golden Image for Windows 10.

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Creating a reference image is important because that image serves as the foundation for the devices in your organization. You will create a deployment share, configure rules and settings, and import all the applications and operating system files required to build a Windows 10 reference image.

After completing the steps outlined in this topic, you will have a Windows 10 reference image that can be used in your deployment solution. See Prepare for deployment with MDT for more information about the server, client, and network infrastructure used in this guide.

The reference image described in this guide is designed primarily for deployment to physical devices. However, the reference image is typically created on a virtual platform, before being automatically run through the System Preparation Sysprep tool process and captured to a Windows Imaging WIM file.

The reasons for creating the reference image on a virtual platform are the following:. With Windows 10, there is no hard requirement to create reference images. However, to reduce the time needed for deployment, you might want to create a reference image that contains a few base applications as well as all of the latest updates.

This section will show you how to create and configure the MDT Build Lab deployment share to create a Windows 10 reference image. Because reference images will be deployed only to virtual machines during the creation process and have specific settings rules , you should always create a separate deployment share specifically for this process. Review the Summary page, click Next , wait for the deployment share to be created, then click Finish.

To monitor the task sequence as it happens, right-click the MDT Build Lab deployment share, click Properties , click the Monitoring tab, and select Enable monitoring for this deployment share. This step is optional. This section will show you how to populate the MDT deployment share with the Windows 10 operating system source files, commonly referred to as setup files, which will be used to create a reference image.

Setup files are used during the reference image creation process and are the foundation for the reference image. In this case, you create a reference image, so you add the full source setup files from Microsoft. Due to the Windows limits on path length, we are purposely keeping the operating system destination directory short, using the folder name W10EX64RTM rather than a more descriptive name like Windows 10 Enterprise x64 RTM.

Right-click the Operating Systems node, and create a new folder named Windows Use the following settings for the Import Operating System Wizard:.

See the following example. Depending on the DVD you used, there might be multiple editions available. For the purposes of this guide, we are using the Windows 10 Enterprise image, but other images will also work. Using a script naming standard is always recommended when using MDT as it helps maintain order and consistency. By storing configuration items as MDT applications, it is easy to move these objects between various solutions, or between test and production environments.

The bit version of Microsoft Office Pro Plus is recommended unless you need legacy app support. For more information, see Choose between the bit or bit version of Office.

The Office Deployment Tool setup. The file uses an XML format, so the file you create must have an extension of. For example, you can use the following configuration. You can also use the web-based interface of the Office Customization Tool to help you create your configuration.

Ensure the configuration. See the following example of the extracted files plus the configuration. Assuming you have named the file “configuration.

This will perform the installation of Microsoft Apps for enterprise using the configuration settings in the configuration. Do not perform this step yet. Even if you don’t sign in and you close the Sign in to set up Office dialog box, a temporary product key is installed. You don’t want any kind of product key for Microsoft Apps for enterprise installed as part of your reference image.

When you are creating your reference image, instead of installing Microsoft Apps for enterprise directly from the Office CDN on the internet, you can install Microsoft Apps for enterprise from a location on your local network, such as a file share. That way your new reference image will have a more up-to-date installation of Microsoft Apps for enterprise. Import the snap-in and create the PSDrive by running the following commands in an elevated PowerShell prompt:. In these steps we assume that you have downloaded the Office Deployment Tool.

You might need to modify the path to the source folder to reflect your current environment. In order to build and capture your Windows 10 reference image for deployment using MDT, you will create a task sequence. The task sequence will reference the operating system and applications that you previously imported into the MDT Build Lab deployment share to build a Windows 10 reference image. WSUS also allows for an easy process of approving the patches that you are deploying.

The steps below walk you through the process of editing the Windows 10 reference image task sequence to include the actions required to update the reference image with the latest updates from WSUS, install roles and features, and utilities, and install Microsoft Office ProPlus x This is probably the most important step when creating a reference image. Many applications need the. NET Framework, and we strongly recommend having it available in the image. Microsoft Tech Talks. MVP Award Program.

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Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Sign In. The definitive guide to Windows 10 deployment.

Heather Poulsen. Published Sep 24 PM 9, Views. Brand Representative for SmartDeploy. As a best practice , we recommend using a VM for your reference machine. In terms of tools to use for the actual imaging portion of the project, as Chris mentioned MDT is a robust solution. I like to think of it as a toolbox that you can set up in any way you please. If you have experience with MDT or have the time to research, learn, and develop a plan then this can be a great option.

We automatically handle driver management as well as some of the trickier steps like Sysprep, user data migration, network deployment, etc. More info on product comparisons at www. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. What are some good computer repair type questions to ask a user just starting in the field out of HS.

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