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Media Feature Pack list for Windows N editions – Microsoft Support

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This update provides support of media features in Windows 10 N. These include media-related technologies Windows Media Player and certain preinstalled media applications, such as Music, Video, Voice Recorder, and Skype.

You have to install additional software from Microsoft to have this communication functionality and to play or to create audio CDs, media files, and video DVDs; to stream music; or to take and store pictures.

Some websites and software, such as Windows Store applications and Microsoft Office, use Windows Media-related files that are not included in Windows 10 N edition. Except for Windows Mixed Reality, users can make these websites and software work correctly by installing the Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows Windows 10 N includes the same functionality as other Windows 10 editions, except for Windows Media Player and related technologies.

The excluded technologies include, but aren’t limited to, the following features. Windows Media Player user experience : Enables Windows Media Player features, such as the ability to play media files and audio CDs, manage media in a library, create a playlist, provide metadata including album art for media, create an audio CD, transfer music to a portable music player, and play streaming content from a website.

Windows Media Player ActiveX control : Exposes methods and properties to manipulate multimedia playback from a webpage or an application. Windows Media DRM : Enables the secure delivery of protected content for playback on a computer, portable device, or network device. Media sharing and Play To : Enables music, pictures, and videos on a networked computer to be shared with other computers and devices on the same network.

Also enables computers to find those kinds of files on the network. Media Foundation : Provides support for content protection, audio and video quality, and interoperability for DRM. Windows 8. Groove Music : A preinstalled application that’s used to play digital music. Video : A preinstalled application that’s used to play digital video.

Voice Recorder : A preinstalled application that’s used to record sounds. Skype : A preinstalled application that’s used for messaging and communications. Some features aren’t excluded directly from Windows 10 N edition, but they are affected by the media technology exclusions. These features include the following. Application Sync : This feature doesn’t work. OneDrive and Photos : These applications cannot play videos. Home Group : Integrated media sharing through streaming features doesn’t work.

Webcam : This feature doesn’t work. Windows Portable Devices : There is no support for media synchronization, image acquisition, or file browsing. Windows 10 camera devices : Cameras that use the picture transfer protocol PTP don’t work. Alarms and clock: Alarm and timer sounds don’t play. Cortana Personal Assistant : Speech interaction with Cortana doesn’t work. Windows Store Media Content : Audio and video content that was obtained through the Store cannot be played.

Also, the preview of audio or video content in the Store doesn’t work. Wireless Display : This feature doesn’t work. Learn about the terminology that Microsoft uses to describe software updates. Windows 10 More Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful?

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Media feature pack for Windows 10 N and Windows 10 KN editions – Internet Explorer 11 has retired as of June 15, 2022


Сьюзан ничего не чувствовала. Неужели он ее трогает. Она не сразу поняла, что он пытается застегнуть верхнюю пуговицу ее блузки.


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